søndag 30. november 2008

My heros have always been cowboys

Overskriften er kanskje ikke den mest dekkende for denne bloggposten, men idet jeg trer ut av mine tillitsverv i FpU i dag så er det kanskje noen som i større grad fortjener en stor takk enn andre.


Anders Alseth, for opplæring i lokallagsdrift og økonomihåndtering

Thomas Jacobsson for å ha introdusert den kompromissløse liberalismen, og for å alltid ha ført debattene på det rent prinsipielle

Johan Lund Furunes: For en usedvanlig stor mengde øl og en flaske whiskey

i skrivende stund har alle disse tre også trådt ut av sine verv i fpu, noe jeg tror organisasjonen spesielt i sør-trøndelag taper på...

Dersom noen i fylkeslaget mitt (Sør-Trøndelag) leser dette så oppfordrer jeg dere til å stå samlet bak den nye formannen og jeg oppfordrer til å ta liberalismen på alvor til tross for at det kanskje er en stor tid for verdikonservatismen i trøndelag.

onsdag 19. november 2008

Høna krysset veien

Hvorfor krysset høna veien? fant denne på en vitseside, men jeg poster den her


Pat Buchanan:
To steal a job from a decent, hard-working American.

Louis Farrakhan:
The road, you will see, represents the black man. The chicken crossed the "black man" in order to trample him and keep him down.

Bill Gates:
I have just released the new Chicken 2000, which will both cross roads AND balance your checkbook, though when it divides 3 by 2 it gets 1.4999999999.

Ronald Reagan:
I don't recall.

The Bible:
And God came down from the heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the Chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.

The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The ends of crossing the road justify whatever motive there was.

The fact that you thought that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.

L.A. Police Department:
Give me ten minutes with the chicken and I'll find out.

Timothy Leary:
Because that's the only kind of trip the Establishment would let it take.

Richard M. Nixon:
The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did not cross the road.

Saddam Hussein:
This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.

Saddam Hussein #2:
It is the Mother of all Chickens.

Dr. Seuss:
Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes! The chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed it, I've not been told!

If you ask this question, you deny your own chicken nature.

Martin Luther King, Jr.:
I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.

Joseph Stalin:
I don't care. Catch it. I need its eggs to make my omelette.

Carl Jung:
The confluence of events in the cultural gestalt necessitated that individual chickens cross roads at this historical juncture, and, therefore, synchronicitously brought such occurrences into being.

John Locke:
Because he was exercising his natural right to liberty.

Albert Camus:
It doesn't matter; the chicken's actions have no meaning except to him.

It was a government conspiracy.

It was a simple bio-mechanical reflex that is commonly found in chickens.

Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically dispositioned to cross roads.

Darwin #2:
It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.

Oliver Stone:
The question is not "Why did the chicken cross the road?" but is rather "Who was crossing the road at the same time whom we overlooked in our haste to observe the chicken crossing?"

Jerry Seinfeld: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place anyway?"

The Pope:
That is only for God to know.

Immanuel Kant:
The chicken, being an autonomous being, chose to cross the road of his own free will.

In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken had crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.

That depends on which plane of reality the chicken was on at the time.

George Orwell:
Because the government had fooled him into thinking that he was crossing the road of his own free will, when he was really only serving their interests.

Colonel Sanders:
I missed one?

For the greater good.

To actualize its potential.

Karl Marx:
It was a historical inevitability.

Because if you gaze too long across the Road, the Road gazes also across you.

B.F. Skinner:
Because the external influences, which had pervaded its sensorium from birth, had caused it to develop in such a fashion that it would tend to cross roads, even while believing these actions to be of its own freewill.

Jean-Paul Sartre:
In order to act in good faith and be true to itself, the chicken found it necessary to cross the road.

Albert Einstein:
Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.

Pyrrho the Skeptic:
What road?

The Sphinx:
You tell me.

Emily Dickenson:
Because it could not stop for death.

Ralph Waldo Emerson:
It didn't cross the road; it transcended it.

Ernest Hemingway:
To die. In the rain.

It didn't. I was playing golf with it at the time.

onsdag 5. november 2008

Sov godt Mats..

Nå legger jeg meg, Obama blir president ser det foreløpig ut som...

og jeg mener det virkelig.....

GOD BLESS AMERICA... dere trenger virkelig hjelp ovenfra nå...

søndag 2. november 2008

Fox News

Republikanerne har gjennom hele valgkampen anklaget de største mediene for å ta side for Obama. Det ble for så vidt bekreftet av en studie som viste MSNBC som den mest partiske kanalen, mens Fox faktisk viste seg å ha være like negativ mot begge kandidatene.

dette er et svar på kommentaren som påpekte at fox news var høyresidens løpegutt